Monday 23 September 2019

The hard part

The hard part is submitting your story to agents and publishers! To any of you friends out there who are at the same stage in their writing journey, you will know this, too. Writing the novel is the easy part.

I'm sorry that I confused people with my last post of Pat reading The Sauly Bird. She's a beta-reader. It's not published...... yet (I add hopefully).

I am working through the writing plan that I made for myself. First was to do draft 5 of the ms. I did that and read the whole thing out loud - but there are still things that could be improved. Maybe there always will be... Reading it out loud is helpful because you can hear when it sounds wrong. The rhythm is so important. I still think that every piece of prose should be a poem.

I've had excellent feedback from my favourite beta-readers (I mean the very best ones who are brutally honest and who always give me useful feedback - I only sent it to these people this time). Age range is from 19 - 71 yrs, three females and one male.

I've written a cover letter and a synopsis.

So now I get to the next task on the list which says - submit to agents and publishers. Deep sigh. I've put this off for several days but today I've managed to submit to one agent and one publisher. It's taken hours. I had already written both the cover letter and the synopsis but I started to change them again. Then I worried about whether a pdf or a docx would be better. I worried about everything.

In between things, I have to do some rehearsing for the gig we've got on Wednesday. I've decided to ditch the fiddle tunes I was going to play because I don't play them well enough. I'm particularly sorry about After the Wedding  - a Polish tune which slides up to some thrilling top notes.  I've just looked for it on YouTube so I could include it here, but I can't find it. You'll have to imagine!

Later on, I'll have a go at submitting to a few more agents and publishers. What are you doing? Hope you're dancing and singing with never a care in the world about whether to send a docx or a pdf - or whether the synopsis properly reflects the story - or most of all, whether the cover letter explains why you feel so excited about what you've written. Dance on.

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