Sunday 28 April 2019

The Kindness of Writers - learning how to blog with thanks to Michelle Whitham

I'm so pleased. What a difference a helping hand makes! A little encouragement made me bounce out of bed this morning and rush to the computer (I didn't have far to rush - like a faithful dog, it goes where I go).

I'm still at the beginning of learning how to blog. I'm doing it, but sort of blindly, stumbling along. I've recently become aware that a blog needs to have followers (forgive my ignorance, all you clued up people). I knew I needed readers but didn't realise that a blog, like Facebook and Twitter, could have followers.

Well, there was an invitation from Michelle Whitham for a blogging exchange so I went to have a look at her blog. It's called Curled Up With A Good Book. It was an eye opener - a marvellous thing full of reviews, links, loads of interesting stuff about books. And crucially - it was easy to navigate.

All the things that my blog so far lacks. But I'm learning. And Michelle sent me a lovely message so I'm feeling joyful this morning.

On top of that, I finished the first draft of my third novel last night The Man from Another Country. My lovely Dani ended up in the park. Laughing. A nice end, I thought - it's still making me smile - I'm in that little space of the temporary high before the hundreds of rewrites and edits kick in.

Happy Sunday to you, dear reader, if you are there and if you ever figure out how to find me. I'll make it easier as soon as I can. I promise.

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